Use it or Lose it!

I'm talking about our brain...

I believe the main function of our brain is... movement. Our whole network of nerves and muscles are controlled by the brain. When the nerves evolved in the first jellyfishes, they had the advantage of being able to move in search of food unlike the mindless sponges, waiting for the food to be swept into their bodies.

Similarly, in humans, our brain was designed not just to think, but also to move. If all you do is become a couch potato, glued to a non-interactive and passive TV screen, your physical and mental health will decline. Isn't it a sign of old age if you are becoming inactive? Are we going back to become sponges instead of jellyfishes?

Maybe,we need to exercise our brain more often because studies suggest that your brain affects your physical health. The internet can be very good place to meet people. I mean, not just clicking your fingernails away at FarmVille for hours on end, but participating in intellectual forums and discussions.

Sometimes, when I feel like I'm losing my edge, I engage in Olympic discussions about geckos and trees. Read our epic battle here:

*joke... But seriously, there are thousands of websites that engage your brain into overdrive. The world is not limited to a few square kilometers from your house and life is too short not to explore and experience new things.

Exercise your brain, exercise your body and live a long life full of possibilities.


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